User Data Deletion

Here are the steps required to delete your information from the app:

  1. At the top of the Main Menu, tap the Settings button.

Screenshot Image 5

  1. Tap on the Account button.

Screenshot Image 1

From here, there are 2 options.

For Unlinked Accounts:

  1. For Unlinked accounts, or accounts that have not been tied to any 3rd party social login provider such as Google or Apple, tap the Logout button.

Screenshot Image 8

  1. This warning screen will then be displayed.

Screenshot Image 7

  1. If your account is not linked to any 3rd party social login provider, logging out will delete your account data. If you are sure, tap the [Yes, Delete] button to delete your account data, then you will be taken back to the Login screen.

    • If you change your mind, tap the [No, Stay] button and you will be taken back safely to the previous screen.

We recommend that you link your temporary account to any of our social login providers.

For Savanna-Linked Accounts:

For accounts that have been linked with our own Savanna login:

  1. Tap the [Open Savanna Account] button.

Screenshot Image 4

  1. Click the [Delete Account] button.

Delete Account

  1. A warning message will be displayed. If you are sure, tap the [Yes, Delete] button.
    • If you change your mind, tap the [No, Stay] button and you will be taken back safely to the previous screen.

Warning Message

  1. You will then be asked for your Savanna account password. Enter correctly and tap the [Delete Account] button to proceed.
    • If you change your mind, click the [Back] button and you will be taken back to the previous screen.

Verify Delete Account